MAA Short Course on Experimental Mathematics

A short course on experimental mathematics was held 10-11 January 2006 in conjunction with the annual AMS-MAA meeting in San Antonio. Here are links to several websites with additional information:

  1. MAA website describing the course: MAA course description
  2. Course synopsis (PDF)
  3. Course schedule: PDF
  4. Lecture material for the course (as it becomes available):
    Lecture 1: Jonathan M. Borwein, "Experimental Mathematics: A Philosophical Introduction" PDF (8 Mbyte) Cinderella zip file
    Lecture 2: Victor Moll, "Some Questions in the Evaluation of Definite Integrals" PDF Mathematica worksheet #1 Mathematica worksheet #2
    Lecture 3: David H. Bailey, "Algorithms for Experimental Mathematics I" PDF (1 Mbyte)
    Lecture 4: Neil Calkin, "Analyzing the Quadratic Sieve" PDF (1 Mbyte)
    Lecture 5: Russell Luke, "Exploration and Discovery in Inverse Scattering" PDF (1 Mbyte)
    Lecture 6: Roland Girgensohn, "Analysis and Probability on the Computer" PDF Maple worksheet
    Lecture 7: David H. Bailey, "Algorithms for Experimental Mathematics II" PDF (2 Mbyte)
    Lecture 8: Jonathan M. Borwein, "Experimental Mathematics: A Computational Conclusion" PDF (6 Mbyte)
  5. Some related lecture material:
    Borwein's lecture "Philosophical Implications of Experimental Math" PDF (5.4 Mbyte)
    Jonathan M Borwein, "Clifford Lectures" PDF (13 Mbyte)
    David H Bailey, "Experimental Mathematics: Discovering New Formulas and Theorems" PDF (1 Mbyte)
    David H Bailey, "Experimental Mathematics and the Normality of Pi" PDF (1 Mbyte)